
This is a brain blog about the ins and outs of interaction in my world. Some good, some bad, but all things I find relevant.

Monday, October 14, 2013

Dear People Who Love Surprises,

Dear People Who Love Surprises,

I haven't done a Sneak Attack Blog in a while, so I figured, why not?

Do you know what a Sneak Attack is?  This is something we do over on Etsy with the Handmade Movement Team.  On most Mondays and Thursdays we Sneak up on unsuspecting shops with little to no sales and surprise them with Hearts and Carts.

First, let's meet today's sponsor, Amanda.  Amanda was one of our past victims that has turned into a full fledged Leader and good friend.  Her bows are the cutest!

Amanda picked 4 great shops for us to pounce today. 

Dragon Menagerie, Raspberry and Thymeange1edelights, and KukanaDesigns.

Why don't you pop on over to one of these shops and show them some love too!


Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Dear American People,

Dear American People,

What a mess our country is right now.  I don't think I have ever been more embarrassed to be an American than I am right now.  We brag about how great our country is and we fight wars to bring our style of government to other countries, and here we are, staring down the abyss of shut-down, looking at a government leader that has declared himself dictator and untouchable.  I am disgusted, and because of this "shut-down", our state representatives and congressmen aren't even taking our phone calls (congressmerge).  So much for the voice of the people!

So what do we do now?  I've been reading Facebook post, after Facebook post, about the state of our nations' leaders, and that if we don't do something soon, there will be nothing left...  I know everyone else has been reading and listening to these rants as well.  So, once again, what do we do?  How do we change anything when the people in charge aren't listening and don't even have to take our calls.  How do we take our country back from the corrupt and unjust without destroying the very principles our country was founded upon?  What happens when our government comes crumbling down around us?  Congratulations to Colorado for demanding a recall vote of two of their politicians!  We need more states to do this NOW!  On the other hand, how big of a difference did this really make.  The problem is not in the House or the Senate.  The problem is in the White House.

I am now going to take a moment to President-bash, which, as of right now, I still have a RIGHT to do.  President Obama sits behind his microphone and Veto pen.  He is hiding behind the press and the ink.  He screams about the GOP's injustices and unwillingness to compromise, and yet we are not seeing anything get past the President's desk, unless it is exactly HIS plan, and only HIS plan.  He says he will sign compromises and pass short term bills that will unsure paychecks to our military and other essential personnel, and yet, I just found out that our military personnel have been informed they will not be receiving paychecks on October 15th.  Not only will they not be receiving paychecks, they will have to wait and see if the government will pass legislation to allow them to be back-paid!  Do WHAT!  I am a small business owner in a military community.  I am feeling the squeeze as people cannot pay their bills this month.  Am I going to turn them away and deny them my services? No.  No, I will not, because these are good, honest, hardworking Americans that are caught in the middle of a mud slinging fight happening a thousand miles away from us and yet we are all caught in the middle.
So, back to my President-bash.  When did it become within the power of the White House to shut down services to the nation's people.  When last I checked, taxes are still being withheld from our paychecks so that we can continue to receive the services that we have been promised.  What business allows its CEO to continue collecting money for services that it is not providing just because the board members cannot agree on a plan.  Businesses like that go bankrupt real fast!  Our President is acting like a bully on the school playground.  He is beating up the younger kids, taking their lunch money and then not even letting them play on the equipment.  He is charging a fee to climb to the top of the slide, but has a closed sign hanging at the top so you can't go down and because there is a line of kids behind you, you can't turn around either.  So who gets blamed?  Not the person that hung the sign, but the first kid in line behind the sign because no one else can see the sign.  Way to go Mr. President.

I don't know how accurate all of these other naysayers out there are but I have been reading.  I have seen several references to our national parks about their executive orders to "make life difficult for the American People during this 'shut down' so that they will see how much they need him."  He is the epitome of politician.  He is the guy that stands there and says, you can't have this, or that.  Then, after he gets what he wants, he turns around and says, look what I got you.  Yes, your right Mr. President, you gave us back what you took away to begin with.  Congratulations, you are an idiot!  The sad part is, the majority of people will buy into this.  A large majority of people already are buying into this.  Behind closed doors, Obama is calling all of the shots of what is closed and what stays open.  He is shutting down the services that cost very little but impact the most people and then blaming Congress and the Senate.  When he is questioned directly about these shut-downs, he responds with comments like, 'my hands are tied', or 'this is not my fault'.  Guess what Mr. President.  It is your fault.  It is your job to work with our legislators for the good of the country, not to make this country your own personal little kingdom.  I'm so sick of this administration.  I don't know if things would be better right now if 'the other guy' had won the last election, but I can't imagine that things would be worse.  Obama has mastered the art of misdirection.  He did such a great job during the last two elections of painting a picture of 'the Perfect America', that those who found themselves captivated by his words didn't see how he was going to implement this Perfect America because they were too busy seeing themselves living in this Perfect America.

I just read another interesting argument that our bills are due October 16.  Funny, that's when most people's bills are due and since there will be no government checks to the people on October 15, it will be interesting to see what happens next.  If we cannot pay on our loans on October 16, then October 17 an executive order will be instituted trimming 16 states out of the United States of America, which will then work perfectly because as any business knows, when you change your bi-laws, you can rename your business at the same time because you already having to pay the fees for the changes, why not do it all at once.  Obama can then just change the nations name to the United States of Obama.  There are two different cut plans for this according freepatriot.org.  The first plan trims the most high maintenance states, the ones pulling the most welfare and public assistance, the second trims the west and redraws the Civil War borders.  Doesn't really matter to me because my state is on both lists.  Oh, but he wants to keep Texas.  Although, someone should tell him that Texas doesn't want to be kept if this happens.  I don't know how valid this is, but I could see him trying to do it.  It doesn't really matter to me about this, my state is on both cut lists.

So, I come back around to the question... what do we do about this?  How do we go about getting the changes made that need to happen?  How do we reclaim our country?  How do we get back to being the nation we were meant to be?  How do we get our tax money back and get rid of all of the "pet projects"?  How do we get in touch with our nation's leaders to say 'enough is enough!'?

I don't know.  I feel so helpless and voiceless.  I know that I am supposed to trust my elected officials that they will do what is right for me in our government, but they haven't been.  All I see is the infighting and bigotry of a group of leaders that are only interested in themselves.  I want to go to DC and walk into my legislators office and smack them in the back of the head and say "hi, remember me?"  I live here.  I work here.  I am here.  I want to sit the President down in the principals office and scold him for bullying and tell him that if his attitude doesn't change he will be suspended.  I just want someone who has the power to tell him that he is not above the rest of his.  He is our voice, not our dictator.  He is suppose to do what we want, not the other way around.

I'm feeling helpless and hopeless,

P.S. I did not proof read this, so if there are any typo's or otherwise bad grammar, please forgive me, I was typing fast.  I had a lot on my mind.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Dear Representative Steve Pearce of New Mexico,

Dear Representative Steve Pearce of New Mexico,

Is anyone out there truly listening to the people?  The people are suffering.  The economy is low and tyranny reins high and mighty.  The founders of our great Country once acted on behalf of what was best for the people, not only themselves.  That was the standard that was set.  Why isn't it being followed?

Why are there amendments to laws that exempt our nations leaders?  Would it not suggest that if our lawmakers have a problem with a law, then it is not in the best interest of the people?  Did you forget about us?  "We the People".  "We the People" who elected each and every one of you into office based upon the platforms and ideals you presented to us.  Is it not then, your obligation to fulfill your promise to represent "We the People"?  Should you not be subject to the same laws that govern us?  You cannot lead a horse unless you are tied to it walking the same ground.  You cannot ask us to walk across a river while you row in a boat.

I do not understand the rush to impose "Obamacare" on "We the People".  The problem with our nation's healthcare is not in the shape and form of insurance.  The problem with our nation's healthcare is healthcare itself.  Why do we even need insurance?  Insurance has driven up the rates of healthcare so that the uninsured cannot afford healthcare.  This is a revolving door and requiring EVERYONE to have health insurance is only going to make this revolving door worse. The original purpose of insurance was with the idea that if you paid your insurance premiums, then when you went to the doctor, you wouldn't have to pay for it.  It was a way of paying ahead so that in case of emergency, you would be covered and not out of pocket for the expenses.  Now insurance means, you pay monthly premiums and your co-pays and you have to keep paying out of pocket until you meet your deductible and then, and only then, does your insurance actually do what it is supposed to do.  If you are someone who rarely visits the doctor, then you never meet your deductible and at the end of the year it starts over.  Meanwhile, you've still been paying on this premium.  

In July, my healthcare premiums skyrocketed at the impending implementation of this law.  Why did my rates go up?  I've had health insurance almost my entire life.  Why is my insurance company now gouging me to make room for cheaper plans for others?  I don't even know what my insurance company's reason for the rate increase was or why it was deemed necessary, especially since we just had a previous rate increase the year before.  Medical care rates have not increased, so why did my premiums?  Now, not only am I paying more for my insurance monthly, but my co-pays have also gone up.  I am out even more money out of pocket for my healthcare.  I thought the idea behind this law was to make healthcare affordable?  It hasn't.  The law has already made my family's healthcare more expensive.  And I know I am not the only one that this has effected.

The problem with our nation's healthcare is medical billing.  The problem with healthcare is the exorbitant amounts of money charged by doctors and hospitals for healthcare.  The worst part about this cycle is that these medical institutions actually bill you MORE if you have insurance and offer you huge discounts if you are self pay.  I know this, because it has happened to me on several occasions.  Many hospitals offer "discounts" to people on a self-pay plan.  If you set yourself up as a self-pay and then receive an insurance settlement (because of say, a car accident), the hospital then cancels the discount and makes you pay the full amount. I learned most of this after a car accident where the other driver was cited at-fault.  I set all of my medical needs as self-pay with payment pending because I didn't want to get my insurance involved because I didn't want my premiums to be affected.  I realized in these dealings that I was billed for services I did not receive and that the billing rates were different if you had health insurance.  I also learned that they had a completely different billing cycle if an auto policy was paying the bill.  I only asked for enough money in the settlement to cover the medical bills incurred.  After the hospitals changed their rates from the original billing, I was once again, out of pocket for medical bills.  The problem with our nation's healthcare is that there is no regulation over billing practices.  Because of this lack of regulation and standardization, hospitals and insurance companies are running rampant.  Because of the current medical billing and insurance factors, healthcare is no longer affordable in our country.  Medical facilities bill insurance companies more than general consumers and drive up the insurance premiums to a rate that few can afford and because they have charged the insurance companies higher rates, the medical facilities raise all of the rates (because as an insurance representative once told me, medical facilities are not allowed by law to charge insurance companies more than general consumers, but they do).  THIS IS THE PROBLEM WITH HEALTHCARE IN OUR COUNTRY!

"We the People" would like to see term limits placed on everyone serving in a public capacity.  We would like to see an amendment to our all term limits, including legislative and executive offices,  that would not allow any sitting official to run for reelection without sitting out one term in-between. 

"We the People" want to thank our governing body for passing last minute resolutions to keep our soldiers pay in tact during this forced Furlough.  What we do not tolerate is that, you, our legislative branch of government will still be receiving your paychecks during this time.  If I make a mistake at work, I am forced to pay the consequence.  Any other American at work can tell you that if they do not meet their deadlines or responsibilities, then they can be held responsible for the financial fallout.  Why aren't the Executive and Legislative branches being furloughed for not being able to do their jobs.  You have one of the easiest jobs in our country.  You have a voice.  You have been elected to use your voice.  "We the People" need you to use your voice!  If the budget cannot be balanced, then start cutting pay at the top.  I have never understood why job cutbacks happen at the bottom.  The bottom are the people that work the hardest and are paid the least.  Each of our Representatives, Congressmen, and other leaders could save 1000s of jobs by offering up a portion of their own paychecks.  I understand the American Dream.  I want the American Dream as much as the person next to me, but I am also not afraid to give a little of my extra (when there is, but not so much now thanks to my insurance rate increase) to those that need it.

"We the People" would like to have someone remind our President that he is not a monarch or a dictator.  He does not rule independently of the people.  The royal family, excuse me, the First Family is making a mockery of our Country.  They have placed themselves on a pedestal and declared themselves better than everyone else.  Our President has bowed down to the leaders of other countries and openly apologized for the American People.  He is not our ambassador of forgiveness, he is our Commander and Chief! 

Our Legislative branch needs to do a better job of playing it's role in the system of checks and balances that we are all taught about in high school government.  Our president needs to be held accountable for his actions!  Our President shares an equal role in what is going on in our government and needs to be brought before the Legislative branch to answer for many of these questions and short falls that are constantly happening during his term in office.  Why is he so determined to pass into law, items that he has exempted himself and his family from.  If these laws are so important, then he should also be subject to them and so should the rest of our government officials.

There are inequalities in our country that need to be addressed, but when the Man on top gives himself special license because of his racial origins, then he does not represent this country at all!  This country is still fighting for equality.  Except, in some parts of our country the tables have already turned so that the only people who get to fight for their equality are those people with designated ethnic backgrounds.  "We the People" were excited to have our first 'minority' President.  We has hoped that this close the gap that still exists in equality.  It has not.  The President has now become a beacon of inequality.  If we are truly to fight for equality in this country, then everyone needs to have access to the laws and services that fight for equality, no matter their ethnic, sexual, or gender background.  EVERYONE should be represented.

"We the People" would like every elected official to go back through their own campaign goals and answer to themselves whether or not they have truly met the promises that were issued.  We vote based on who can offer the best future for us.  We are tired of the Lies.  We are tired of the dishonest behavior.  We are tired.  We are overworked and tired. 

The working class Americans are absolutely exhausted and our numbers are dwindling to a point where our votes don't even matter.  We are looking at a new era of Americans called "the entitlement generation".  This era of Americans have been told they are entitled to a better living, that they should be given everything and that they don't have to work for it.  Meanwhile the rest of us are working ourselves to the point of breaking just to watch our government give our hard work to the next person waiting in the entitlement line.  This New World Order that our President is trying to bring about is only going to make matters worse.  Our country is losing its workers because there are fewer and fewer benefits to being a worker.  If you work hard, you will get taxed more.  If you work hard, your insurance premiums will go up.  If you work hard, we will take part of your tax money and just give it to this person over here who doesn't want to work.  If we keep taking from the workers, exempting the rich, and giving to the lazy, we will only further degrade our country.  It used to be you had to work for everything.  Now, you just have to whine about how unfair everything is and you will just be given what you want.  I will keep working while I can.

What?  Are you serious?  Social Security is not a line item in the general tax budget.  Social Security is not funding by the general budget.  Social Security IS it's own line item.  Social Security is there because it was deemed necessary and we have all been paying in to this system.  The only reason Social Security is running out of money is because the funds have been mismanaged and commingled with the general budget.  Stop playing with our future!  If social security is that big of a burden on the National Government, then abolish the tax.  Continue paying out to all of those Americans that are collecting it now for the rest of their lives, just like was promised, and reimburse the rest of us the money we have paid in so that we can go make our own arrangement for our futures.  Don't forget to reimburse all of the small business owners that pay in on behalf of our employees.  That is the only way to get rid of Social Security, and I am betting that this option will cost a lot more than the current plan.  Not all of us make enough money right now to just set aside for down the road.  Not all of us have retirement funds. Leave Social Security alone.

Yes Please!  Just like there should be term limits on our governing officials, so should there be limits to the amount of welfare one person should receive.  There should be test and guidelines for welfare.  Yes, welfare recipients should be drug tested and should have to show receipts for all purchases.  I am sick and tired of watching people buy groceries with food stamps while wearing designer clothing and then driving away in a brand new top name vehicle!  Welfare recipients need to be held accountable for their own spending.  Welfare recipients should be given a time limit to the amount of time they can be on welfare.  Perpetual welfare recipients are a burden to society.  MOST IMPORTANTLY, WELFARE SHOULD BE EQUAL.  Welfare benefits should not be based on race or gender.  That is ridiculous!  It costs the same amount of money to live off of no matter what your racial background is.  I lived six months of my adult life without health insurance while I was in college.  During that time I became ill and spent 3 days in the hospital.  My bills for those three days equaled almost half of my annual salary.  I had no way to pay the bill and was directed to the indigent funds office where I was told, I made too much money for my background (white), by $200.00.  I was then directed to the welfare office, where I was once again denied, because, for no other reason than I was too responsible and made too much money.  Only after exhausting all of these resources and being humiliated at every turn, did the hospital step in and offer private assistance with my bills.  Maybe my ideas for reform are a bit radical, but this is a problem!

"We the People" would like our governing bodies to start acting like they are also a part of "We the People".  Please, govern us like you would like to be governed yourself.  We have to stand united, or we will fall.

I am not speaking for every American.  I am speaking for myself.  I am sharing with you some of the concerns and beliefs of my friends and families.  Some of my concerns are the result of the sensationalized news media (which is a problem in and of itself).  But, I am a member of "We the People".  I am an American.  I am a New Mexican.  I have lived in New Mexico all but approximately 2 years out of my childhood.  I am a teacher.  I am a small business owner.  I am a Woman.  I am a Wife.  I am a Mother.  I am a Daughter.  I am a Granddaughter.  I am a fighter.  I will not be governed by a dictator or sovereign.  I stand against injustice even and especially when it is not in my best interest.  I want a better America for my son.  You are my Representative.  I doubt any of this will do any good for any of us here in America, but it makes me feel a little better to know that I have written it.  If none of this means anything to you then at lease refresh this document. 

DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE - as taken from the National Archives Website.
When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.--Such has been the patient sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government. The history of the present King of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States. To prove this, let Facts be submitted to a candid world.
He has refused his Assent to Laws, the most wholesome and necessary for the public good.
He has forbidden his Governors to pass Laws of immediate and pressing importance, unless suspended in their operation till his Assent should be obtained; and when so suspended, he has utterly neglected to attend to them.
He has refused to pass other Laws for the accommodation of large districts of people, unless those people would relinquish the right of Representation in the Legislature, a right inestimable to them and formidable to tyrants only.
He has called together legislative bodies at places unusual, uncomfortable, and distant from the depository of their public Records, for the sole purpose of fatiguing them into compliance with his measures.
He has dissolved Representative Houses repeatedly, for opposing with manly firmness his invasions on the rights of the people.
He has refused for a long time, after such dissolutions, to cause others to be elected; whereby the Legislative powers, incapable of Annihilation, have returned to the People at large for their exercise; the State remaining in the mean time exposed to all the dangers of invasion from without, and convulsions within.
He has endeavoured to prevent the population of these States; for that purpose obstructing the Laws for Naturalization of Foreigners; refusing to pass others to encourage their migrations hither, and raising the conditions of new Appropriations of Lands.
He has obstructed the Administration of Justice, by refusing his Assent to Laws for establishing Judiciary powers.
He has made Judges dependent on his Will alone, for the tenure of their offices, and the amount and payment of their salaries.
He has erected a multitude of New Offices, and sent hither swarms of Officers to harrass our people, and eat out their substance.
He has kept among us, in times of peace, Standing Armies without the Consent of our legislatures.
He has affected to render the Military independent of and superior to the Civil power.
He has combined with others to subject us to a jurisdiction foreign to our constitution, and unacknowledged by our laws; giving his Assent to their Acts of pretended Legislation:
For Quartering large bodies of armed troops among us:
For protecting them, by a mock Trial, from punishment for any Murders which they should commit on the Inhabitants of these States:
For cutting off our Trade with all parts of the world:
For imposing Taxes on us without our Consent:
For depriving us in many cases, of the benefits of Trial by Jury:
For transporting us beyond Seas to be tried for pretended offences
For abolishing the free System of English Laws in a neighbouring Province, establishing therein an Arbitrary government, and enlarging its Boundaries so as to render it at once an example and fit instrument for introducing the same absolute rule into these Colonies:
For taking away our Charters, abolishing our most valuable Laws, and altering fundamentally the Forms of our Governments:
For suspending our own Legislatures, and declaring themselves invested with power to legislate for us in all cases whatsoever.
He has abdicated Government here, by declaring us out of his Protection and waging War against us.
He has plundered our seas, ravaged our Coasts, burnt our towns, and destroyed the lives of our people.
He is at this time transporting large Armies of foreign Mercenaries to compleat the works of death, desolation and tyranny, already begun with circumstances of Cruelty & perfidy scarcely paralleled in the most barbarous ages, and totally unworthy the Head of a civilized nation.
He has constrained our fellow Citizens taken Captive on the high Seas to bear Arms against their Country, to become the executioners of their friends and Brethren, or to fall themselves by their Hands.
He has excited domestic insurrections amongst us, and has endeavoured to bring on the inhabitants of our frontiers, the merciless Indian Savages, whose known rule of warfare, is an undistinguished destruction of all ages, sexes and conditions.
In every stage of these Oppressions We have Petitioned for Redress in the most humble terms: Our repeated Petitions have been answered only by repeated injury. A Prince whose character is thus marked by every act which may define a Tyrant, is unfit to be the ruler of a free people.
Nor have We been wanting in attentions to our Brittish brethren. We have warned them from time to time of attempts by their legislature to extend an unwarrantable jurisdiction over us. We have reminded them of the circumstances of our emigration and settlement here. We have appealed to their native justice and magnanimity, and we have conjured them by the ties of our common kindred to disavow these usurpations, which, would inevitably interrupt our connections and correspondence. They too have been deaf to the voice of justice and of consanguinity. We must, therefore, acquiesce in the necessity, which denounces our Separation, and hold them, as we hold the rest of mankind, Enemies in War, in Peace Friends.
We, therefore, the Representatives of the united States of America, in General Congress, Assembled, appealing to the Supreme Judge of the world for the rectitude of our intentions, do, in the Name, and by Authority of the good People of these Colonies, solemnly publish and declare, That these United Colonies are, and of Right ought to be Free and Independent States; that they are Absolved from all Allegiance to the British Crown, and that all political connection between them and the State of Great Britain, is and ought to be totally dissolved; and that as Free and Independent States, they have full Power to levy War, conclude Peace, contract Alliances, establish Commerce, and to do all other Acts and Things which Independent States may of right do. And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor.

The 56 signatures on the Declaration appear in the positions indicated:
Column 1
   Button Gwinnett
   Lyman Hall
   George Walton
Column 2
North Carolina:
   William Hooper
   Joseph Hewes
   John Penn
South Carolina:
   Edward Rutledge
   Thomas Heyward, Jr.
   Thomas Lynch, Jr.
   Arthur Middleton
Column 3
John Hancock
Samuel Chase
William Paca
Thomas Stone
Charles Carroll of Carrollton
George Wythe
Richard Henry Lee
Thomas Jefferson
Benjamin Harrison
Thomas Nelson, Jr.
Francis Lightfoot Lee
Carter Braxton
Column 4
   Robert Morris
   Benjamin Rush
   Benjamin Franklin
   John Morton
   George Clymer
   James Smith
   George Taylor
   James Wilson
   George Ross
   Caesar Rodney
   George Read
   Thomas McKean
Column 5
New York:
   William Floyd
   Philip Livingston
   Francis Lewis
   Lewis Morris
New Jersey:
   Richard Stockton
   John Witherspoon
   Francis Hopkinson
   John Hart
   Abraham Clark
Column 6
New Hampshire:
   Josiah Bartlett
   William Whipple
   Samuel Adams
   John Adams
   Robert Treat Paine
   Elbridge Gerry
Rhode Island:
   Stephen Hopkins
   William Ellery
   Roger Sherman
   Samuel Huntington
   William Williams
   Oliver Wolcott
New Hampshire:
   Matthew Thornton


To all of my blog followers, yes, I emailed this to my representative.  Maybe you could copy and paste it to one of your representatives.  Just don't forget to add the link to my blog.  Remember Plagiarism is a crime too.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Dear Friends and Followers,

Dear Friends and Followers,

I just wanted to drop a quick note to let everyone know that I have not dropped off the face of the earth, things are just "sketchy" around here.  I am trying to immerse myself in work and loving on my husband and child.  I'm not saying much, just chugging along.  I hope everyone else is well.

By the way.  Little boy can spell Mom!  Love that kid!


Monday, August 5, 2013

Dear People Who Love Etsy,

Dear People Who Love Etsy,

I went a little Treasury Crazy this weekend.

There is also a Sneak Attack going on right now over on the Handmade Movement.  There are 5 great shops with lots of great goodies!

I also have a giveaway going on right now on my Facebook page.

And, if that is not enough to keep you going, I have a special in my shops right now.  Use the code BACK2SCHOOL to score 30% off your order in my paper and jewelry shops.

Have a Great Day!


Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Dear People Who Think Its Easy to Make Something Out of Nothing,

Dear People Who Think Its Easy to Make Something Out of Nothing,

     I have been AWOL from the things I love most because I am trying to make more out of the things I need most, namely, my job.

     9 years ago, I made a decision to move to Dallas, TX with a friend.  I had already finished my first Bachelors Degree in Music and I was looking at Law Schools, I just needed a little motivation.  One of the schools I was looking at was in the Dallas area so I decided to do it.  I started prepping for my LSAT while I worked on finishing my Bachelors Degree in Dance.

     At the time, I was working for my University as a non-credit teacher with a kids dance program.  I had about 110 students starting at age 3 up through college level.  I had quite the racket going on, and most importantly, I loved it.  After I made the decision to move, I talked to my coordinator who started looking for a replacement for me for the next year.  She found someone within a couple of weeks.  That was okay though, because it was only September and I had until May with my kiddos.  I had a new plan, that I needed desperately, and I was okay with it.  I was restless and ready to move on anyway.  I had moved here for College and stayed a little longer than most to delay the inevitable jolt into the "real world".  I had a "psycho" ex-boyfriend who had made a surprise reappearance in my life over the summer that resulted in a restraining order filled by me and granted by the court.  I needed to get out!

     But Fate, has different plans than we do.  You see, that summer, my brothers were on their way back from a boy scout trip in Yellowstone and their path home brought them right through the town I was living in.  They were about 30 miles away when my brother called asking if I still had that "cop" friend in town.  I was teaching at the time, trying to lead a ballet class and help my brother at the same time.  I dug through my purse and found the business card with the cell phone number written on the back.  I hung up with my brother and called the number.  I had never called him before so I figured, he said if I ever needed anything to call.  He answered.  My heart jumped.  I didn't know why my heart jumped, but it did.  He had just finished his shift, but he jumped back in the car and headed out into the county where my brothers were being harassed by someone claiming to be an off duty cop, but could show no documentation to support his claims.  I continued to teach my class while taking update calls from my brothers and the "cop friend" on his way to their rescue.  It all worked out.  The incident had been called in and a State Police unit had pulled over all vehicles in question.  The unit on scene was going to write my brother a ticket for traveling to close (he was trying to get the guy's license plate number), until my brother explained the altercation when the guy got out of his car as they were all parked at a construction area waiting on the pilot car.  Turned out, the guy was in the academy and a complete hot head.  No tickets were issued and when my brothers left the unit, the guy was in the backseat being yelled at by the State Police officer.  By the time my "cop friend" made it out there everyone had dispersed already.  He called me back anyway.  He asked me to dinner.  I was giddy.  We went to dinner that night and made plans for a movie later that week.  I was working two jobs that summer, one job during the day with the University's kids college program, and my dance classes at night.  I ended up breaking the date 3 times, apparently a big no-no.  He didn't call back.

     So it happens, 3 days after I decided to move to Dallas with my friend, we had a football game, and I was in the marching band.  As we made our way onto the field, I saw him.  He was working an overtime shift at the game, as is our Conference policy (they have to have 4 officers on the field during a college game).  He looks good in uniform.  I bumped past him (in my own dorky band uniform) and commented "so much for calling people back."  I saw him smile.  I made it to my spot on the side line and snapped to as we were called to attention.  I took my step off to enter the field, halted in my set, and, no!  My phone started ringing in my pocket.  For anyone familiar with the ins and outs of marching band, that was a big no-no.  I shouldn't have even had it on me.  I was my section leader and the senior member of the band.  But playing piccolo makes it easy to maneuver around as you can hold your instrument with one hand, and our band decorum was on the light side, rather than the supper strict.  I reached into my chest pocket, peeled the phone to my ear, and whispered "hello?"  I heard his voice.  "So, is now a bad time to call you back."  "Um, yes!"  I looked over at him and he waved.  "Hey, aren't you suppose to be at attention?"  He asked.  I hung up, stuffed the phone away and smiled so big inside!  We made it through our halftime show and I floated on cloud nine as I told my friends what had happened when one of them asked if I had answered my phone on the field.  The fourth quarter of the game rained out (rain is a rare occurrence around here).  He was directing traffic on the highway when I exited the stadium.  He was drenched from head to foot.  I waved as I went past.  I got home and called him.  When out for drinks with my friend that night.

    And so, fate intervened.  While the three of us were out, my ex decided to violate the restraining order by sending my a series of text messages.  It was okay though, because my "cop" was there.  He took me to the police station to fill out a police report, and since he was there, his sergeant took the case.  I didn't go home that night.  I fell asleep in his arms watching Moulin Rouge at his apartment.  I woke up alone, didn't know where I was the next morning, I didn't want to call him while he was working, so I called a friend.  I gave her the best location I could, and she found me.  We went out the next night too.  We danced to "Come What May" from Moulin Rouge at our wedding, and I made steaks for dinner last night.  I'll save the rest of this for another time.

     So back to the subject on hand.  I had effectively quit my job with the college, but there was the short 3 month dating period followed by the proposal, the marriage, and the inevitable, we stayed here.  He was perfectly prepared to move, but he wanted to finish his degree.  So we stayed, and now I didn't have a job.  I took a job that summer working in medical records.  That job sucked.  Not to mention the fact that my boss had had her two girls dancing with me for years and was not liking the new teacher at all, so I got to hear about it every week of the summer session until she finally convinced me to open my own dance school.  I got one of my former students to go in with me as a partner, and one of our younger (but oldest) students volunteered with us.  We opened in August 2005 with somewhere around 45 students, in the hallway of the local mini-mall.  By October, I had agreed to rent more space and we renovated a classroom.  We did all of this on about $500 in loans from our parents that we repaid by the end of the semester.  The following semester we were up to 80 students dancing in the recital.  We have been growing ever since.  In 2009, I expanded again taking over more space in the same building.  We added a classroom and a store.  This last year it finally became apparent to me, that there is no more space where we are and we are bulging at the seems.  We now have 3 classes going on at 1 time.  The third class utilizes the space in the hallway, where we first started teaching 8 years ago.  We trip over people in our lobby.  I made the decision in February to contract with one of our dance parents, to renovate one of his buildings for us to move into.

     Needless to say, we are behind schedule.  WAY behind schedule.  My dear sweet hubby, 2 of my good friends, and 2 of my teachers (all volunteers), have spent the past 7 days, cleaning out the collection of a mass hoarder (the parent that owns the building), ripping out drywall and plaster, and trying desperately to make our opening day on August 12th.  We met with the engineer on Monday, who assured me we could still make the deadline.  We met with the city planner and contractor yesterday, who said, there is no way.  My hopes and my heart were crushed.  I went home and cried.  I regrouped.  I ventured forth and made the necessary arrangements to be able to stay in our old space for another month or two until the project can be completed.  The downside of this is many fold.  I have already packed 3/4 of my studio and loaded it into 2 different storage units.  I have already started taking apart one of the dance floors in my classrooms.  I have already had the glass company come for some of my mirrors, and I have already made arrangements to have my sign moved.  The biggest down side of this, is that I still haven't been able to get the owner to actually sign a lease with me.

    At least I was able to secure a building to open for classes, because without that, my poor little business would be no more.  I am blessed to be surrounded by the support structure that I have, but this has meant that I have had to put my crafting, my writing, and even the precious time I have with my son on hold for the past week, and it is all in limbo for a little bit.

Thanks for listening (or rather reading) to my ramblings.  I send you all the best of hope and luck as you try to turn your Nothings into Somethings and always remember that it is not easy.  Do not let the negativity of others hamper your dreams.  And always, always, always keep in mind that IT IS NOT EASY TO MAKE SOMETHING OUT OF NOTHING.


PS - A friend just called to tell me that our Pastor put a plea for hands and help from anyone with free time this Saturday to help at the new building.  I find myself truly blessed to have let down the walls and joined this particular church.

PSS - I did not edit this, so if there are typos or bad sentences, I apologize.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Dear Everyone Needing to Hear a Little Comfort,

Dear Everyone Needing to Hear a Little Comfort,

I had to have a talk with a couple of my students last night who were taking the Boston Bombing really hard.  I don't want to de-emphasize what happened, nor do I want to tell people that we shouldn't be upset.  Because we should be upset, and it should affect us. 

My close friend and I went to high school at the same time, in two very different places, yet we were affected by many of the same things.  This latest event of terror made me start thinking back...

We had Channel 1 in junior high and high school.  That was our link to the outside world.  It was 20 minutes of news broadcast straight to the schools.  We did not have facebook, yahoo, google, twitter, or....readily accessible internet.  The internet was still "launching".  Any other sources of news that we got were when we got home to watch the 5 o'clock news, or from the newspaper.  I know this sounds a little old school, but, hey.  We lived through events like the Oklahoma City Bombing, the first World Trade Center Bombing, Waco Texas, the Olympic village bombing, not to mention the embassy attacks in Kenya and Tanzania by Al-Qaeda.  We even had a racial riot at one of our football games while I sat in the band watching the game.  They started threatening us with metal detectors at every entrance to every school in town and across the nation.  These were just the events of junior high and high school, this doesn't even take into account the little I remember of elementary school which included the fall of the Berlin wall and the first Desert Storm.

In college, we watched the Columbine massacre unfold as we counseled fellow students from that area.  I watched in horror as the towers fell on live TV, wondering if we were all going to be drafted into World War 3.  I sat back as a young adult and watched our country head off on a mission to eliminate terrorism, a war that began pulling us apart as individuals and as a country.

Now, as a teacher, I have watched my students deal with the Virginia Tech shooting, Sandyhook, the movie theatre massacre, and now the bombing in Boston.  We are still fighting a war on terrorism overseas, and now, I've watched as my little brother has served two tours in Iraq to help defend my freedom.

These events have always been a part of our world (unfortunately), but they are not new, and they are not necessarily increasing in frequency (although some may argue with me).  The only difference has become our access to instant media.  The internet has brought these stories to the front page of everyone's computers, phones, ipods, ipads, and other digital devices every time they log on to the internet.  We no longer have to open a newspaper or wait for the 5 o'clock news to know what's been happening.

There are terrible things that happen in this world every day.  Some of these things hit really close to home, and some of them remain in the distance, but they are always there.  Do not fear the world.  When you let fear take hold, the terrorist win.  Instead, we mourn for the losses; we offer help and assistance where we can; we pray.  Most importantly, we stand up and let others know that we will not back down, nor will we cave in because we have been pushed around.

These events shake us to the very core and make us begin to doubt ourselves, just like the bully on the playground makes us rethink every interaction.  There is no difference between bullying and terrorism.  If we allow these events to interrupt our lives for more than a grieving period, than we have allowed them to alter us, and that is not ok.  To honor those that are lost, we have to remain true to ourselves and to each other, and we have to hold firm to our country and our identities.

This is just the heart of a small town dance teacher who is watching her beloved students deal with the same heartaches that she has had to deal with over the course of her own life.  You are more than welcome to disagree with me, but I will monitor any inappropriate comments for the sake of my students.  I hope you all understand that this is just my way of dealing with what is happening.


Friday, March 29, 2013

Dear Judgmental Christians

Dear Judgmental Christians,

I write this, not as a stab at Christianity, or any religion for that matter, but as a "stop and open your eyes" article.  Today is Good Friday.  I've been thinking about Religion lately in regards to my 3-yr old.  I want him to know God, as I have known God.  I want him to understand the lessons of the Bible and it's importance in our lives.  I want him to think freely and be able to develop his own beliefs and ideas without someone else telling him what to think and believe.  The question to myself is, how do I accomplish this without compromising my own beliefs?

Easter was a very important holiday for my family. As a child, my family went to church every Sunday for Sunday school and for service.  Easter was the most important holiday in our family and our church.  I remember the palms on Palm Sunday.  Our church would have a huge Palm Sunday display and then the wonderful Easter Service and Easter Egg hunt around the church grounds.  I have very fond memories of Easter Church Services.  We moved when I was in 1st grade and found another wonderful church in our new location and the tradition continued.
     Every year for Easter, Mom would make me a new dress and we would get all dressed up.  It was not only a renewal of faith for us, but it was the beginning of Spring when life begins anew.
     I remember so vividly Easter Sunday of 2nd grade.  After church, we went home for our annual Easter Egg Hunt around the yard.  That year, my mother decided my older brother was old enough to help hide the eggs.  He was in 3rd grade. But the show was mostly for my little brother at age 3.  Dad was instructed to take me and my little brother to go buy the Sunday paper.  The trip was scenic with several "wrong turns".  The little brother and I started to get cranky and a fight ensued.  Dad looked up in the mirror at us and very sternly instructed us to "knock it off".  He then looked at me and said "Don't you touch him again!"  I moved over and hugged the door to keep as much distance between us as possible so as to not get in trouble again.  Several turns later, we had the paper and were beginning the route back to the house.  I broke the silence with a small "Dad."  He ignored me.  "Dad."  I repeated a little louder.  He glanced up in the mirror at me and then back to the road.  I began to panic.  "DAD!"  I shouted in frustration to get his attention.  "WHAT?"  He snapped back at me.  "Bubba's falling out of the car!"  I exclaimed and pointed at my little brother as he began a slow lean out of the car.  Dad looked over his shoulder and reached around with one hand while steering and braking at the same time.  He managed to grab a leg and yell at me.  "Well grab him!"  I didn't know what to do.  I looked at him in disbelief.  "YOU TOLD ME NOT TO TOUCH HIM AGAIN!"  Ah, the lessons we learn.  Bubba had his lap belt on so he did not fall completely out of the car but he did manage to bump his forehead on the asphalt.  What had happened was that when Dad took a turn, my little brother was holding onto the door handle.  Needless to say, he unintentionally opened the door and then didn't let go as the momentum of the car pulled the door open.  We weren't going very fast, but it was enough.  In the end, Bubba was fine and Dad got in trouble with Mom.  Dad did not scold me because I was following his directions of not touching him, but I did get a lesson about sometimes it's okay to break the rules if it means doing the right thing and Dad learned to activate the security lock on the back doors of the car.  There was just something about Easter that always brought us together.
      In the 3rd grade we moved back to the same small town we had started out in, but the church was different.  The community had changed in the time we were gone.  The economic recession had hit hard and most of our friends had moved.  We slowly stopped going to church altogether.  Except for Easter Sunday.  We continued that tradition for several more years before we stopped going to church altogether, but we still sat down at home and talked about Jesus.  We still had our Easter Baskets and Egg Hunts.
     I started going to church with a friend in 7th grade and the tradition was reinvigorated with my parents although, they did not go to church with me.  My little brother started attending the church with me as well.  My Dad would get us up on Sunday mornings and cook a big breakfast and then take us to church.  We continued this pattern through 9th grade.

I no longer go to church and have not regularly attended a church since the end of 9th grade.  It's been almost 20 years.  That being said, let me tell you a little more.  The last Sunday morning church service I attended was before my Grandmother's funeral at the little community church where my Grandmother lived over 5 years ago.  The most recent time I have been to church was for my other Grandmother's funeral a little over a month ago.  I have been to Church's for Weddings, Funerals, and Celebrations over the last 20 years, but that is about all.

Now, let me tell you why.  My life changed at the end of 9th grade.  9th grade was in the Junior High.  10th grade started High School.  Everything changed.  My Mother got sick that summer.  She had to have "the surgery".  My Aunt also lived with us at the time.  I will save the stories about my Aunt for another blog.  Let's just say those years with her in our house were not good years (about 3 years).  Tensions began growing between my parents.  Tensions we had never noticed before.  My brothers and I pulled closer together.  I began to notice that Dad smoked more.  After Mom's surgery, her boss began stopping by the house regularly.  He would go in the room where she was bed-ridden and stay for a couple of hours while Dad sat in the living room and chain smoked while mindlessly watching TV.  It was very confusing.  We stopped going to church.  Mostly we stopped because it was summer vacation, but also because Dad stopped getting us up.  There was no longer any enthusiasm in him anymore.  He and my Aunt had gotten in a fight over who would cook Sunday breakfast one morning and Dad threw in the towel.  (As these memories come back to me, I find myself starting to cry).  I have blocked many memories from this time in my life.
    One morning, Mom called me in to her room.  She asked me what I thought of her boss.  I said he was a nice guy and that it was really nice that he was coming over to see her and check on her.  She asked me what I thought about him as a man.  Then she asked what I thought about him as a father figure.  I immediately responded with "I have a Dad.  I have a great Dad."  Then she asked what I thought about have a Step-Dad.  Everything that happens inside someone's head when they receive shocking news, happened to me at that moment.  The earth cracked beneath me and I fell into a never ending canyon of doubt and dismay.  I was 14 years old.  I couldn't respond.  I just stared at her and looked back and forth from her, to the ever widening hole in the floor.  What was she talking about?  Then, she said it.  "Your Dad and I are getting a divorce."  What?  I still couldn't speak.  "Please say something."  She pleaded.  "I don't understand." I sputtered.  "You know what divorce is?"  I nodded.  She then began to talk to me, not as a child, but as a friend.  She explained to me that while her and my Dad loved each other very much, they were not "in love".  She said she'd had a hard time dealing with everything and wasn't sure what to do.  She said that when I was older, I would understand "love".  There were many other things she told me about.  She told me that she wasn't looking for someone else.  When my now step-dad declared his love for her, it was on her last day of work before her surgery.  It caught her off-guard.
   That summer was a whirlwind.  A week or two after Mom's confession to me, my bible-study teacher from church called.  She'd noticed my absence and noticed a change in my voice over the phone.  She asked if it would be okay if she stopped by and took me out for a soda.  My parents consented.  She picked me up and we went to the local Sonic and sat in her car and talked.  I was dismissive at first and then she told me that I could trust her.  She talked to me about God and that the church was there for me if I was in trouble.  She gained my trust.  I told her.  I told her everything that my Mother had told me.  She sat silent.  I don't remember what else she may have said, but it was very changed from how she had been talking to me before I broke down.  She became distant, as if I had insulted her.  She dropped me off and told me she would call me next Sunday and come by and pick me up for church.  I agreed.
     I waited for her call that next Sunday morning.  I didn't have her number and we didn't have cell phones.  She never called.  She never came by.  Dad offered to take me to church.  I shook my head, went in my room and cried.  I felt abandoned.  My Mother had dropped a bomb shell on me and the church abandoned me.  Many people have tried to reassure me that the church did not abandon me, however, when I still look back on it today, I still feel the emptiness of a teenager.  14 is a hard enough age.  That woman betrayed my trust.
     My Mom got married on my first day of high school.  I did not go.  I was angry now.  My birthday had come and gone and I had withdrawn into myself.  I became more dismissive, and didn't care about school anymore.  My church friends weren't talking to me either.  All of a sudden I didn't exist to them either.  It was a difficult reality.  I went from a 3.75+ GPA, to 3.00.  I did just enough to get by.  I remember my 2nd period teacher asking us to fill out parent information cards for PE.  One question was "your parents names".  I raised my hand and the teacher mockingly commented on not knowing my parents names.  I responded just as sarcastically "well, kind of.  My Mom's getting married at 2:00.  What name would you like me to put!"

I guess the moral of my story is to be careful how you judge people.  I don't go to church because of the very deep betrayal at age 14.  I find it difficult to place that must trust in an organization that prides itself on unity and faith, and yet can be so judgmental to a teenager that was reaching and grasping for help.  I did maintain my faith through it all though.  I thank God every day for not abandoning me, even though his representatives did.  There are many other paths my life could have taken.  I did not succumb to sex, drugs, or violence, although, that could have easily happened.  Instead, I retreated into myself and into the lessons I had learned all those years ago when we went to the other churches as a child.  I held tight to the lessons my parents taught me about doing the right thing.  I believe in God and his son Jesus Christ as our savior.  I would also like to add that while Jesus decreed that you should "go to church", he did not mean an actual building.  There were no church buildings for Jesus and his followers.  They met outside of town, or wherever they could hide from their oppressors to practice their religion.  They met and they talked about God and about the importance of being good people.  Jesus focused most importantly on not judging others, lest you be judged yourself.

So now I find myself with my 3-yr old and wanting to teach him the lessons I learned.  I have decided to take him to church with some friends on Easter Sunday.  I pray to God, that I can find a church that I can feel comfortable in and someday maybe even learn to trust.  Until then, Happy Good Friday to all and thanks for listening to my story.


Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Dear Panhandlers,

Dear Panhandlers,

I might feel a little more compelled to give you a "helping hand" if you were a little more compelled to tell the truth.  It's always the same thing...
"My mother is having surgery next week and I'm just trying to get home."
"My brother was wounded in the war and..."

Blah, blah, blah, blah, BLAH!  Just tell the truth!

"Hi, I ran away from home 3 months ago because my mom wouldn't buy me an i-phone.  The last sucker I talked to gave me enough money to get to your crappy town and now I need a little more money to get to the next crappy town because nothing is ever going to be good enough for me."


"I wanted to see the world while I was still young so I used my entire life savings and hit the road.  My life savings was about $80.00 so you can imagine how far that got me.  Now I'm stick in this crappy town because this is where I was able to hitch hike to and now I just want you to give me some money so I get the hell out of here."

or the really honest,

"Hi.  I'm lazy.  I don't want to work.  I'm going to sit here and beg other people to get me through life.  If you don't give me money, I'll just steal something later and take it back to the house I live in with my parents where I have no bills.  Then later, I will change into some nice clothes that I bought with the money I begged and get in my brand new car that my parents bought, and go cruising and use the gas that you are going to buy me."

or still yet,

"Hi, I'm a politician..."



Monday, March 11, 2013

Dear Handmade Lovers,

Dear Handmade Lovers,

I'm hosting the SNEAK ATTACK today over on the handmademovement on +Etsy!
I'm hoping to see everyone over there!

I picked three great shops for us to sneak up on!
Here is the clue story for today.

First there was a FROG.
Who went to a CARNIVAL on a SCOOTER dressed as the MASCOT for the TOOTH FAIRY.  His best friend, the DUCK, lives in the PAINTED DESERT and rides a SEAHORSE to work everyday.  The two friends decided to stop and enjoy a CUP CAKE, but they couldn’t decide on a flavor.  The duck wanted BLACK CHERRY.  The frog wanted COCONUT.  While they were arguing, a GODDESS made the EARTH shake to get their attention!  She waved her TOPAZ wand and a magical WAVE of water splashed the frog and the duck.  The two friends shook off the water and remembered their bff KEYFOB’s.  The duck held up his keyfob in the shape of an ANGEL, and the frog’s was in the shape of a ZINNIA.  When they held the keyfobs together they would cluck like a CHICKEN.  The duck and the frog decided to leave the carnival and get an OLIVE loaf and a TANKARD.


The first shop is zinniawest from Ohio.  Zinnia is originally from Japan and started making earrings for herself and her daughter.  Then, like many of us, she decided to open an Etsy shop!  I noticed that Zinnia has been adding new wonders since I selected her shop for the attack, and as I'm writing this, she doesn't even know what we have in store for her in a few hours time!

The second shop on my list is TheMerrySpinster from Millbrae, CA.  Heather is the mother of 2 and loves yarn and spinning fiber into yarn.  I can't wait to get my hands on some of these goodies!

 My third victim for the day is NekoShop Norrkoping, Ostergotland, Sweden.  I have a feeling she will fit in perfectly with our international team!  Suey repurposes old fabrics and supplies to create new wonders and donates 10% of her shop profits to the world wildlife fund and her local cat rescue organization "nine lives".  I fell in love with these little guys!

No sneak attack is successful without a wonderful group of supporters to help pull everything together.  Here are some of the folks that stopped by the thread throughout the day.

HandmadeBySandi                                                       PaintedMemoriesByRos

pinkxopurple                                                               YukikoDesignsStore

SussesSpindehjrne                                                      byvala

LittleYellowFarm                                                           EffElArtions

NicsPics4U                                                                  juBEADlation

MsBittyKnacks                                                Stockannette

AllThingsNecessary                                                  KraftyGrannysHome

Sweetiespearls                                                             CuteNCurlyBowtique
sljbridal                                                                              InsanitekGifts

 Owlystore                                                                     ArdentlyCrafted

UUendysCraftyCorner                                                beadsoul


Monday, March 4, 2013

Dear Mr. President and Member of Our Governing Bodies,

Dear Mr. President and Member of Our Governing Bodies,

Did you ever notice how the Constitution of the United States starts with "We The People" and not "I the President" or "We the Governing Body".  The second section of this incredible document states very clearly that you are given your powers by the PEOPLE, in order to represent the PEOPLE.  You are not granted power by big business or interest groups, but by the PEOPLE.

Are you even listening to the PEOPLE anymore?  How dare you pass laws exempting yourselves from the very laws you push and pass over us!  YOU ARE ONE OF THE MANY PEOPLE that make up the PEOPLE that our forefathers were speaking of.  Don't believe me?  Look for yourself.
