Dear Friends,
I realize it has been a long while since I have written anything. My life turned into a whirlwind during the last months of 2013. I am sincerely hoping that 2014 will be much nicer to me and my family. First off, the hubby took a new job and we have moved. That meant selling (well, we'll call it selling. I felt it was more important to keep the studio open and in good hands than actually making a profit or closing it) my small dance studio and putting our house on the market. So far, there has been 0 interest in our house. I am devastated. I listed it below our Jan 2013 appraisal value and we haven't had any bites. All the realtors and everyone else keep telling us that we are priced appropriately for our area and home size, but still...
So the hubby is NM living in a little dinky house with all of our stuff crammed into the rooms, while the little boy and I are living with my Mom in TX. I miss my dear hubby desperately, but I know this is the best decision for our family, seeing as how we just couldn't stay there any longer. Maybe someday I will be able to give full disclosure without hurting the feelings of too many people, but you never know. In the meantime, let me show a little of what I have been up to.
I hope to add a ton more things to my shops soon!